Some recent projects I've worked on

I like to build things. Typically I build small hyper-specific utilities for myself. I also build transit-related apps and websites.

  • BetterBike

    BetterBike is the quickest way to answer 'where are the closest electric CitiBikes to me right now'.

  • Budgeted

    Budgeted is a net worth tracker more than a budget-builder. It has two purposes: to give an overview of your net worth and to help determine your personal burn rate.

  • mt

    mt is the simplest meditation timer on the market. No subscription, no content, no socials. Just a simple meditation timer that also tracks sessions over time.

  • Keep McGuinness Moving

    An undercover transit-advocacy project to try and sway opponents of a safer McGuinness Blvd.

  • Lifts

    An art project website to track/publish weightlifting data. Mostly was a way for me to play around with a new stack (Go, HTMX) and d3.